Friday, August 14, 2009

Drake is "the fucking worst i ever heard"

Your not a real rap/hip hop star until you get some quality hate. I mean some kick ass ridicule of the mediocre crap you serve your fans and expect them to eat it up. Shit on a stick is not the new gourmet. Real Drake fans like my man are probably looking at their G1 phones in disgust right not as their once savior of hip hop is turning into something more horrifying to watch than Britney Spears and that gut at the VMA's...

...I JUST wasted 5 minutes and 30 seconds of my life that i will never get back. NEVER!!!!!! But maybe i'm being too hard on Drake and his "best i ever had" video, after all Kanye, the i'm too busy with my lesbian girlfriend, infatuated with "fish sticks'' West directed the piece of shit video that im speaking of.

Trust me, my hate wouldnt be so strong if i didnt have high hopes for this fag, if i didnt appreciate his artistry and want to see him be the next best thing rather than the next best gimmick...But slip up and shoot the wrong fucking video and they think they can market you however they decide to - Drake.

In sum the video is an ode to jiggling tits..yeah just tits juggling, some tiht shorts and tanktops...and maybe how to stretch...these are the women of Team Drake... Drake stars in the video as a lousy coach who leads his team of tits to a terrible 91-14 defeat on the basketball court. the lighting sucks...the highlight for some ladies might be some brief cameos by Fabolous, Consequence and Trey Songz. Other than that...its just some tits, a gym, and a really bade game of basketball. Aside from Drake telling the ladies to "take that d, like the champions that they are" and reminding them all that they can do in 2 minutes (think dirty here) the video is pretty anticlimatic. me a huge fucking favor, i know Kanye West is a star, i know this, but right now you must demand creative control over your album and future videos and brother if your not that creative then FUCK hire someone who is because you cant afford to keep putting out misunderstood bullshit like this. We want real hip hop. Not this crap....Fuckkkk "artists" like you are the reason hip hop is sucking ass these days....Blu is basically all we have left and a handful of others.

With All Due Respect,
your first hater anyone that likes Drake...get a life, cause "Hes the fucking worst i ever heard with the worst voice ever"

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