Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Oh, is it love

"Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritablew or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love is forever…"

Falling in love and staying in love are completely separate events. falling in love is an addictive exciting and headspinning chemical affair. but staying in love is a whole different story. we dont fall in love with other people; we fall in love with the feelings we get when we are with or think about them: the spiritual and emotional awakening, the joy of feeling safe and warm and full of hope…the feeling of completeness-the thrill.

"in our lover we seek and desire that which we do not have.."

Certain people balance us and make us feel complete socially and psychologically, while others make us feel insecure and tired, killllll our selfconfidence or turn us into someone we are not.boyyyy do i know someone like this. a total crazy person.. anyways people in vibrant long term relationships are obviously aware that they complement each other rather than antagonize one another. if you end up competing or criticizing and trying to change each other after the chemistry wears off your future together is limited.

"life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but looking outward together in the same direction.."

When you meet the right person who balances and completes you, the one you trust and feel comfortable with you have found your matched opposite. Being with this person is simultaneously an indescribable joy and enorrrrrmous relief. He or she will be like you in many ways but your opposite in certain key areas, and its highly likely youll have a happy >>>>[committed] and loving long term relationship. We don't just need someone just for companionship for safety or for convenience..we have a need to express ourselves emotionally and intellectually we all need someone who we can trust to talk to share our experiences and bounceee our ideas off…we want someone with whom we can share lives pleasures and most imporrrrtant someone to give us feedback-to respond to what we say and let us know how were doing. We need someone to witness us validate us…make us feel complete. This is why we need someone. I've noticed when two people communicate openly and regularly…expressing their feelings and emotions they give each other reassurance and hope and a connection to the future..good relationships come easily.

...Familiarity and friendship aren't enough to sustain a romantic relationship..it takes something more..

Love takes many forms. Theres the love we feel for our parents..(siiike), our siblings and our friends..but even setting aside this kind of familial and platonic love theres the romantic love..ahh there are still so many variations..

Theres more you meet plenty of people who are charming, hot, seem perfect, and are exciting but they may not be right for you…Just because you meet someone you like but its not working the way you'd hoped and you don't feel a clear sense its not right let the relationship go, hunnie trussst me haha. Send the wrong signals or use the wrong words and the whole thing can fall as fast as it began even if the potential is there.

love is knowing what the other person wants without even asking…its like a river flowing between two hearts…

as for compliments…give them. but compliments only work when they are sincere and not fabricated for the moment. REMEMBER AND DONTTT FORGETTTT..and guys it's important to not only ask questions but also to volunteer free information lol forreal..people who don't give feedback appear bored, boring or baffling…

True love is a unique blend of attraction, intimacy, commitment, and romance. It's completely well..utterly personal and happens differently for everyoonnnneee. For some the moment it strikesss is easy to pinpoint; for others its less obvious. some notice a definite moment when suddenly everything changes; for others…it's more of a flow …a gradual tide of change. Emotional people tend to admit love more quickly than their more rational counterparts even if the seeds were sown at the same time. Love doesn't happen on command. It's a process that flown it's a seed that grows..its a spark that turns into a flame.Love aint about forcing it. Its' about letting it go and let life and love transpire in their own creative surprising way, it's about having faith in yourself..in life..and in the person you love.

But we all know, along with the thrill of new love, comes the potential for heartbreak.

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