Sunday, August 16, 2009

That's one sexy bird

the next band that would change my life and it changed my life

When people out in the streets see the word "CULT" on my wrist they automatically assume it's some sort of paganism, but it's not. Bayside is more than just a band. This's about our way of life. I mark this band as the one with the most influence in my life. I sincerely doubt anything will change that. While I was at one of the lowest points in my life, Bayside was there to get me through the toughest times. I'm grateful for that. They opened up my eyes for me to see what the world has to offer, which isn't much except for what you make of it yourself. There's a common misconception that Bayside is just this "emo" band and makes you want to slice your veins. Well that's bullshit. Listening to Bayside makes me happy every time that I'm down. I'm sure it does the same for others too. You may think what I say is a lie and that I just did it to be different. Well you're wrong. It isn't a lie. In fact, it's the truth. But you're right. I did it to be different. I did it because I didn't want to be exactly like everyone else out there. I did it so that I could lead a more different,and honest life. And to this day, everything that the majority of the population worships makes me want to throw up. Music, culture, and society is just selling out by the minute and people are buying it. There's only one thing that's not, and it's Bayside. That man, Anthony Raneri, along with Nick Ghanbarian, Jack O'shea and Chris Guglielmo, do what other bands fail to do each time around: Make music that actually means something. And that folks, is what sets them apart, ahead and above any other musical entity. You may not see it on the Billboard charts or on MTV, but it's held dear in our hearts where only they can reach. "I can understand why people would initially be concerned about it if they love our band and they understand what we're all about. Our music and lyrics are abrasive and they have a tendency to weed out the shit heads. Bayside is not and will never be casual listening. If you don't get it, you don't get it and that's all. If a 30 year old hardcore guys from Boston or a 20 year old Modest Mouse fan in Seattle or 15 year old teeny bopper from Dallas understands our band, like what we're doing and can relate to it in any way, then that's amazing. That's why I make music, so it can help people and give them something to believe in and smile about. I'm not an elitist. I don't want to alienate anyone and it's got nothing to do with money or popularity. You don't have to be a certain level of cool to listen to Bayside. i just want you to get it." -Anthony Raneri

I've noticed that I get along pretty well...(well most atleast who aren't crazy bitches) with people who like Bayside and constantly battle with those who don't. And it's not because I like Bayside. That has nothing to do with it actually. It's just something I've derived from my observations. Those people actually understand better, are smart, mature (some haha), good people, and have great personalities for the most part. KEY WORDs: For the MOST part. We're all different, yet united only by one thing; the CULT.

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