Sunday, August 30, 2009

The boy who blocked his own shot;

So call it quits, or get a grip. Say you wanted a solution, you just wanted to be missed.

Happy now? After everything thats happened things surely have gone the way you wanted. Surely you should be happy. You always seem to get what you want, and you got it. I'm past sick and tired. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired from your ever so predictable moods. Get a grip kid. Whats meant to be will find its way. But as of late, its obviously not meant to be. How hard could this possibly be to grasp? You had your chances. Believe me, I even saw them. But like a child you threw them away. With people things aren't set in stone, I figured you would be the one to know this. I guess I was wrong, again. When I said lets keep in touch, I meant I wish you'd grow up. I knew this day would come. It's taken me weeks to realize that day was ages ago. But at least I've realized it. Put your brains to good have them for a reason y'kno. Your life isn't over son. So do us all a favor, cut the self pity bullshit. I hope you find out what you are. You are second hand smoke.

It's super annoying.

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