Monday, August 31, 2009

blood in, blood out

No matter how low you seem to fall...theres someone out there even lower. No matter how alone you feel...theres someone out there with absolutely nobody......No matter how sad you are, theres someone out there who has never experienced happiness, joy or ǝʌol.

No matter how alone you feel...
im always here;
blood in. ˙ʇno poolq

The point;

And I am to the point where I don't even wanna know where you are. Or where you're going ..same old story. And I am to the point where I don't even wanna see your face anymore. Your so far gone. I don't wanna live with regrets. Wonder why my life is a mess. But now without you by my side. I never felt so alive. I'm so glad I left you behind. Manage me, I'm a mess turn a page, I'm a book half unread. I'm stuck in this fucking rut waiting on a second hand pick me up. And maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year..and I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere. This is my reaction to everything I fear cause i've been going crazy I dont wanna waste another minute. This could be everything I dont wanna dream anymore.

Your unlike any other;
you'll always be my thunderr
go ahead and work it out but first let it outtt



if you dont like it..2 words:

My GusGus; rats are interesting.

UPDATE: GusGus the Rat likes bread. lol and chewing on my laptop....fucker

He's sooo cute!

Before you come to conclusions..

Hmm I've sort of noticed that on these blogs..I say what I'm feeling that exact moment...don't take any of these as if I mean them the next day, because truthfully..I don't. Usually.. the Drake one YESSSSSSS lol always and forever will I feel that way about the fag... Lol. But peeps don't jump to conclusions. My blogs are strictly subjective to my mood at the time.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Like a teardrop hitting the ground;

Why and how you had the heart to fuck up my whole life. That's just so you. And now I've moved on by myself, and maybe I won't forgive..I'll just forget you lived. And I hope it hurts. You taught me how to hate you..and I was so in love. When I tried to save us it wasn't enough. So what the hell is different'..cause now that I am gone, this is how it feels and now you know what its like. I'm faded into someone else. My true color's gone, like a picture nobody sees. I bet you don't even know my favorite song..I don't wanna be your little picture-perfect-pretty-girl. Who's got nothing to say, and I'm not gonna wait around for you to run my whole life down. I'll let you watch me fade away. I'm tired and alone, feeling so misplaced. Guess I know I'm better off on my own. You had all the chances in the world to let me know the truth..what the hell's wrong with you? Nothing can save you now that it's over. I guess that you'll find out when you're no one..don't say you're sorry now 'cause I just don't care. I'm having the day from hell, I should have kicked your ass instead. Everything is fucked up straight from the heart. Tell me what do you do, when everything falls apart? You had to leave and I'm not part of your plan. You're never wrong..Somewhere in the right seems to be where your ass belongs. You'd rather fight than walk away..what a lonely way to breathe the air..what an unlovely way to say you care. Now we're too far gone for me to save and I never thought that we'd come to this. Maybe there's beauty in goodbye. The person now that you claim to be doesn't know when to stop, or where to start. You're just so caught up in who you are. I don’t ever wanna feel this way again. Nothing seems to matter anymore. At any moment in you could have tried to make it right. Now in an after thought I don't know what you did it for cause you were thinking about you. Like always. Give me one good reason why in time i should believe in you. But it's been a real pleasure knowing you...and now like a teardrop hitting the ground I don't wanna see you around--ever.

And your left to burn with you heart wide open;

This is how it feels

When you wait for a call that never comes

Are you waking up 'cause you miss someone?

This is how it feels

When the trust you had is broken,

And your left to burn with your heart wide open

Friend was your name..

It would've hurt a lot worse......
When you ripped my heart from my chest
...If I wasn't already dead from the knife in my back..

Reminder: your still very single and very alone;

It so strange, but it's like suddenly, all my friends have been hit with a 'relationship-epidemic' I mean forget the swain flu, this epidemic is snatching them in unmerciful numbers.
But seriously, the scariest thing about all this, is that when I was visiting my friend, it seemed like she was a totally different person. She and her boyfriend were holding hands as though they couldn't even breathe without each other. I mean; they had been together for almost 8months, and I mean literally seen and been together 24/7 for 8 months! Anyway, these are two of my former classmates, who also formerly used to be two separate and independent human beings. But unfortunately due to the epidemic, have now developed many symptoms, for example the excessive use of such sentences as 'we that' and 'we this'.

Members of the jury, you must understand that my childish outburst is a consequence of something stronger and darker than common pettiness and jealousy, these are all fruits of the big D,..Depression. I feel as though it’s also important to keep in mind that prior to these events; I was perfectly fine with my life, with my so called 'oneness'. I will however not rule out the fact that this could clearly be due to the fact that my 'oneness' was only endurable because of my fellow friends, who also shared in this now so uncommon status. I fear they have all deserted me for the more glamorized 'togetherness' status. It's kind of like that Simpsons episode where Bart sells his soul, and suddenly he could see all the other kids having so much fun with their souls and how much harder life was for him now that he was all alone, something he hadn't even noticed before.

Basically it's junior high prom all over again; you and all your girl friends are sitting at the bench watching the other couples dancing, and commenting on this and that, when suddenly one by one, they get asked to dance and before you know it, there you are; Little you with your ridiculously over accessorized dress, sitting there all alone, trying so hard not to look bothered, because just a few minutes ago you didn't mind sitting on the bench, but now that you are there all alone, and noticing that even greasy Alice the farter with all the questionable facial hair is also getting her groove on with Tommy the nose licker,..well.. it then becomes a bit hard to hold back the tears now doesn't it?

I haven’t resolved to crying yet, honestly, I only believe in such therapy as watching Bridget Jones' Diary and blogging about my problems,oh, and forming 'relationship-hate' groups who wait outside cinemas every Sundays and attack random couples.. haha i'm kidding, here at well here.. we don't condone violence...just happy slapping. Lmao but seriously, it's just a bit sad you know,.. I mean I enjoy being single as the next person but I’m just not into the in your face constant reminder, forcing me to comfort myself with such nonsense as 'Well at least I don't have to share my Twix bars'

What about you guys? What are your feelings on this unavoidable epidemic?

A brand new day in a life that you hate;

Karma. =]
K. Got it.

The boy who blocked his own shot;

So call it quits, or get a grip. Say you wanted a solution, you just wanted to be missed.

Happy now? After everything thats happened things surely have gone the way you wanted. Surely you should be happy. You always seem to get what you want, and you got it. I'm past sick and tired. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired from your ever so predictable moods. Get a grip kid. Whats meant to be will find its way. But as of late, its obviously not meant to be. How hard could this possibly be to grasp? You had your chances. Believe me, I even saw them. But like a child you threw them away. With people things aren't set in stone, I figured you would be the one to know this. I guess I was wrong, again. When I said lets keep in touch, I meant I wish you'd grow up. I knew this day would come. It's taken me weeks to realize that day was ages ago. But at least I've realized it. Put your brains to good have them for a reason y'kno. Your life isn't over son. So do us all a favor, cut the self pity bullshit. I hope you find out what you are. You are second hand smoke.

It's super annoying.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Used to be;

cool, fun, sexy and easy to talk to. Had a great sense of music, every song was brilliant. Its like you let drama control your life. The songs you present flat out suck. Its sad and pathetic. Self pitys meaningless and frankly, it pisses me off. Good god some people need to get a grip.

Do us all a favor; fall off earth.

Man up son.

I miss the way you love me too much.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This hand we're dealt

It's ridiculously crazy how people fall apart. Whats the difference when it comes down? Whether it's girls or guys....I guess this is "growing up"..? I was quite content where I was before. It felt safe. Endless broken promises, and the lies...are like the never ending story. Everythings changing now. I was high like a star flying. But it's alright. That goodbye was weak. And ruined by a certain...issue like always. The same one. But it't okay. Thats the universe right?...And thats how things go for me.

We could live like kings. We could live in doubt.
i had high hopes of silver and gold.
It’s up to me and the heart on my sleeve....That hasn’t quite been the same

You know I love you but I feel so one in ten.
Lightening comes and lightening goes.
its all the same to me
no one understands.
release into one.thousand pieces I have broke into, over you.
if the sun dont shine tomorrow, we'll be alright.
you and me, we're alike
did you get what you wanted?
everythings changing now
how can i call your bluff?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


yo this kid got way hot. holyy shiiiiiiit son! fuckkkkkkk!

enjoiii rere =]

hmm..not that your gay lol or anything haha


"raising the bar"

i lol

Find me

South of heaven, west of hell.

I'll be there

She's been drinkin again and she's ready to fight

Yo, she doesn't give a fuck. Gettt over it.

K..? Let the girl be happy shit. Slit your wrists already or something. But, songs don't get people back. Let her live her own damn life without regret. If things were meant to be, then they woulda been.

Unfortunately, we believed every word you said.

Boys like you are overrated. So save your breath.

You know hoes, so get to it son. .

I hate the way you say my name like it's something secret..My pen is the barrel of the gun.

"Cause every pane of glass that your pebbles tap negates the pains I went through to avoid you, and every little pat on the shoulder for attention fails to mention I still hate you"
Stood on my roof and tried to see you forgetting about me. Hide the details I don't want to know a thing. I wish that I was as invisible as you make me feel.
Sometimes, I wish.
Isn’t it great to find that you’re really worth nothing?

Emo kids...lord.

Excuse my mood my nigga, but

I feel a bit decepticon;

I ain't gotta tell ya' I'm kinda like a big kiddddddd.



Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When you fall in love with her, tell her

Tell her you think shes cool. Tell her why you think shes so cool. Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theatres. Pick her up and pretend youre going to throw her in the river; shell scream and fight you but secretly, she`ll love it. Hold her hand and skip. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Pick flowers from other peoples gardens and give them to her. Tell her she's pretty. Let her pay if she wants to. Introduce her to your friends as The coolest girl you know. Sit in the park and talk to her. Just talk to her. Take her to the library Take her anywhere. Tell her dirty jokes. Tell her happy stories. Tell her sad stories. Tell her your stories. Tell her anything. Tell her stupid jokes. Write poems about her. Just walk with her. Throw pebbles at her window When she starts swearing at you, ... tell her you love her. Take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. Hold her hand in the mosh pit. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Call her. Call her back if she calls you. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are. Carve your names into a tree. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggy-back rides. Go see her band play even if they really suck, and tell her they were great. Give her space if she needs it. Push her on swings. Stay up with her all night when shes sick. Make up pet names for her, but cool ones, not sappy ones. Teach her guitar. Lend her your cds. Write on her. Write about her. Make her mixtapes. Write her letters. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones. Just hang out with her. Listen to all the bands she mentions. Dont tell her that her favorite bands suck. When shes sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not saying anything. Buy her ice cream. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Look into her eyes. Slow dance with her, Love her. Be yourself around her. Cherish her.... and when you fall in love with her, tell her.


Fabio Cannavaro

Christiano Ronaldo

Guillermo "Memo" Ochoa

Michael Owen


Cesc Fabregas

are pretty hot guys.
trust me. lol

Just a poor man's Wendy

He said they were just friends. Deep down, I knew better. And I was a stand-in.

Stupid ass memory banks.

Oh, is it love

"Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritablew or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love is forever…"

Falling in love and staying in love are completely separate events. falling in love is an addictive exciting and headspinning chemical affair. but staying in love is a whole different story. we dont fall in love with other people; we fall in love with the feelings we get when we are with or think about them: the spiritual and emotional awakening, the joy of feeling safe and warm and full of hope…the feeling of completeness-the thrill.

"in our lover we seek and desire that which we do not have.."

Certain people balance us and make us feel complete socially and psychologically, while others make us feel insecure and tired, killllll our selfconfidence or turn us into someone we are not.boyyyy do i know someone like this. a total crazy person.. anyways people in vibrant long term relationships are obviously aware that they complement each other rather than antagonize one another. if you end up competing or criticizing and trying to change each other after the chemistry wears off your future together is limited.

"life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but looking outward together in the same direction.."

When you meet the right person who balances and completes you, the one you trust and feel comfortable with you have found your matched opposite. Being with this person is simultaneously an indescribable joy and enorrrrrmous relief. He or she will be like you in many ways but your opposite in certain key areas, and its highly likely youll have a happy >>>>[committed] and loving long term relationship. We don't just need someone just for companionship for safety or for convenience..we have a need to express ourselves emotionally and intellectually we all need someone who we can trust to talk to share our experiences and bounceee our ideas off…we want someone with whom we can share lives pleasures and most imporrrrtant someone to give us feedback-to respond to what we say and let us know how were doing. We need someone to witness us validate us…make us feel complete. This is why we need someone. I've noticed when two people communicate openly and regularly…expressing their feelings and emotions they give each other reassurance and hope and a connection to the future..good relationships come easily.

...Familiarity and friendship aren't enough to sustain a romantic takes something more..

Love takes many forms. Theres the love we feel for our parents..(siiike), our siblings and our friends..but even setting aside this kind of familial and platonic love theres the romantic love..ahh there are still so many variations..

Theres more you meet plenty of people who are charming, hot, seem perfect, and are exciting but they may not be right for you…Just because you meet someone you like but its not working the way you'd hoped and you don't feel a clear sense its not right let the relationship go, hunnie trussst me haha. Send the wrong signals or use the wrong words and the whole thing can fall as fast as it began even if the potential is there.

love is knowing what the other person wants without even asking…its like a river flowing between two hearts…

as for compliments…give them. but compliments only work when they are sincere and not fabricated for the moment. REMEMBER AND DONTTT FORGETTTT..and guys it's important to not only ask questions but also to volunteer free information lol forreal..people who don't give feedback appear bored, boring or baffling…

True love is a unique blend of attraction, intimacy, commitment, and romance. It's completely well..utterly personal and happens differently for everyoonnnneee. For some the moment it strikesss is easy to pinpoint; for others its less obvious. some notice a definite moment when suddenly everything changes; for others…it's more of a flow …a gradual tide of change. Emotional people tend to admit love more quickly than their more rational counterparts even if the seeds were sown at the same time. Love doesn't happen on command. It's a process that flown it's a seed that grows..its a spark that turns into a flame.Love aint about forcing it. Its' about letting it go and let life and love transpire in their own creative surprising way, it's about having faith in life..and in the person you love.

But we all know, along with the thrill of new love, comes the potential for heartbreak.

The girl made lovely by sorrow;

She looked at him and with a tear in her eye she said, "I'm gone, it isn't about you anymore. You took my heart..You knew all my knew what would make my day. its time to move on." She walked away not sure if he'd miss her or not, if he could only see she did it because she loved him..then he might understand. But that would only be a miracle. Days went by and she'd ignore him. It didn't even phase him. He didn't even know. Then one day, something clicked. He missed her, but she was too long gone. The one thing that he could trust, hold, and love was gone. He didn't realize that he had been feeding that fire oxygen.

I know in my heart trust is the mother of deceit

I'll hang my hopes all at once on a rope
There's a possibility that this is happening to someone who's not me
I'll hold my head
Keep it still and pretend
That these spins and the webs
Are actually desirable

If i suddenly went blind

Looking back at the past years...I have been thru change. Music is the only consistent thing that will every stay in my life, even when those I believe are closest to me fade away....A lot has happened in the last two or so years. Starting on a rainy day for me. Sometimes I wonder why, I'm so full of these endless rhymes about the way I feel inside, I wish sometimes. It always seems that just when I turn around another old memory hits me, it's never been my sole intention to bring peoples moods down with me it just sort of happens. Shit happens. I'm not exactly sure the last time I was happy. I know it's fun to pretend. Now blank stares and empty threats are all I have. All I do is fall down and I haven't gotten back up once. My whole world has gone up into flames, no bridge has survived except one, at least I think...I've tried and tried to tear this one down but it just wont go away. It's like the ever'hovering cloud that just follows me around. It's come to be like my shadow. I've done plenty of things to try and forget...and the things I've done. I've spoken mean words. Horrible things....thought worse things..The things we do just to keep ourselves alive. And for what? Nobody really ever knows what somebody is going thru. Everyone is different. Every situation unique. This is never what I wanted. But it's pretend. Empty threats are all I have. I cant escape if I wanted to. Now, I don't think of myself as trapped. Just...stubborn. I don't want to let go. Ohh, and I can be stubborn as hell when I care deeply about something. I don't believe myself to be selfish...The stars are aligned, But they don't align for us. I always watch the them..The stars are already dead they just don't know it yet. Just something about looking at death on that degree makes you feel closer. I haven't figured out what this "closer" is to...I often wonder how I end up this way; a constant knot in my gut, tied with uncertainty and loneliness. Sometimes I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs where I will pretend the echoes belong to someone. Someone I used to know. Someone I used to be. I want to remember a time when I knew how safe it felt to be safe, or what it feels like to know what it's like to be loved...I thought I knew once but I was wrong. I'm often misunderstood...maybe just a second chance. Just a tiny one. I don't ask for much, I expect nothing in return...I'm just hoping...that what I have been offered will be one of the things that pulls through. I've been let down so many times...and I don't know what I've done to get myself here. All I can ever do and will do is to open my heart and love those the way they are, because I'm not perfect either. Nothing close.

The stars are aligned,
But they don't align for us
Excuse me for I am the ocean
And I will starve for you
Will You Know How To Stay Brave?
Such Fragile moments we share
You Are My Everything
And Even With Nothing To Say
Geminis, K.

Landing feeeet first

If my world falls down tomorrow, I'll be sure to be there with a net to catch the pieces falling.....

I've been thinking for a while and I'm fine with where I'm at now. And I'm so proud of where I am. This is just how things are for me and that's not gonna change. Sure I bruise easily but bruises heal as well as cuts I wont hide the marks but ink is forever so I must be careful in what I do to myself [cause I know people with some reminders they could have lived without]. I already have the start to putting my heart on my left side. I can truly only rely on myself. I'll always be there for me, myself and I. So I gotta make the effort to remember, because anyone who can touch you can hurt you or can heal you.. anyone who can reach you can love you or leave you. If I never let down my guard took that leap of faith I would have never of known... Sure the mark is still there but it's fading. Sometimes quicker one day than the next but each day I see change, with change comes knowledge and from knowledge comes strength. I'll cut my ties to the world for a while. but through knowledge comes time to learning it and that's where i am now. my friends I'm sorry about my moods the last few months, but I'm not sorry for this one it's what I gotta do for a while. this while just might last forever. the old me is back. that sarcastic tell you how it is bluntmouthed stubborn as all get out nerdy little shit everyone..somehow loves. so here I am now today stronger than ever. happier? not completely yet but that will come with time, when that time is I'm not fully sure and I don't want to know. I just want it to hit me one day out of the blue like the many things in my life that spontaneously happen. with old friends lost..that have forgotten,, new will be made. some replaced but never kicked to the curb like I've been time and time again sometimes more than once by the same person... now this new friend thing isn't really a negative thing well maybe but I kinda don't care. I'm learning to fall with no safety net. I'm feeling better than ever; distancing. I've forgotten how it feels. one day everything shall be as it should, and I think it's starting to happen. The tiny pieces are finally settling :) I figure it's time to move on. I'm 20, I and I we're taking control of our lives. Blood in blood out. Out of sight, out of mind. It's forever so like nobody reads these, but I really could care less

The people I've met are the wonders of my world..

Man on the Moon

"..maybe if i was simple in the mind everything would be fine "

Things happen for a reason and theres always a reason why this would happen.. who knows, it could come back to her as karma or something like that..but there is always prettier and better girls out there.. this is where I get all quotey "where one door closes a better one opens/ the grass is greener on the other side..". You always have a choice. Now is your turn to take it for once...and maybe you guys werent meant to be.. dont let some girl drama get to you fool. therse probably a reason why she didnt make it in your life.. (insert unhappy face here)


Pink, Fabio, Che, JOSEEEE

If you don't talk to me about hand planting grass, measuring huge ass fields...or anything else I am going to kill Kevin, the Wanna'be Chocobo lol.

Hello Kitty

I just thought this was tight:

You're Not Really a Bug Killer Unless You Have a Ridiculous Tattoo

It's amazing how much character development movies and TV shows manage to cram into a little ink. In fact, it's time we took a look at the many black and blue markings across our favorites characters' faces, backs, arms and bodies. Leeloo from The 5th Element: Milla Jovovich's character is the savior of the whole planet, and you can tell just from looking at her wrist. And of course, her dotted markings also match the markings on the movie's ever-important stones. Tattoo from Elektra Chris Ackerman's character's colorful belly buddies could come alive, off of his skin, and do a lot of damage. Obviously he's not the only tattooed man with powers. There's a Green Lantern villain, the Illustrated Man, who's a classic. We may actually be seeing Abel Tarrant the Tattooed Man in the Green Arrow's new flix Supermax Fox from Wanted Even though Angelina Jolie was pretty tatted up before playing the role of hottie assassin in Wanted, she added on even more wordy tattoos to her arms, hands and back. Guess which ones are real haha. The vampire tatt from Blade. I think that if I ever saw someone with the familiar tattoo from the Blade movies we would become fast friends. While Wesley Snipes had some pretty serious shoulder markings around his upper half, nothing could beat the secret society "friends of the vampires" sign. Enola from Waterworld when the world is flooded and you spend your days on a boat drinking your own urine, look for the girl with the map on her back. The Japanese tattoo, that was NEVER explained, apparently held the key to dry land. Scully from X Files Scully gets a tattoo because she went through a thing. Before finding out that her buddy's tattoo controlled his actions she got a Celtic Ouroboros slapped on her back. Lana Lang from Smallville Lana's witchy tattoo connected her, not only to a bad lady with evil intentions, but to the Krypton Stones as well. Jessica Sanders from Heroes The symbol which plagues all the super humans is tattooed onto Jessica's back, and is half of the symbol of the evil company Pinehearst. Darth Maul from Star Wars : Episode I - The Phantom Menace Before Darthy became an evil Sith he was just a red little fool, and then Sidious got his hands on him. Chakotay from Star Trek Voyager Noble Chakotay's face markings aren't explained until the "Tattoo" episode where you learn that others have the same style and design. Chakotay's tatts are to honor his father. Rico Dizz And The Rest Of 'EmStarship Troopers Because you're not really a bug killer unless you have a ridiculous tattoo, best part is during the futuristic laser branding scene they throw alcohol all over his freshly zapped skin, ha =]. Denton Van Zan from Reign of Fire Matthew McConaughey's ridiculous dragon fighting attitudes were eclipsed only by his body armor of dragon tatts, he totally stole Clooney's look from Dusk Till Dawn though...UGH! Snake from Escape From New York Fantastic character, terrible, horrible "snake in my pants" tattoo. How many times do you have to make the "do you want to see my trouser snake" joke, just for getting that tattoo? The Doctor from Doctor Who Jon Pertwee sported a cool tatt in his first appearance as the “Doctor” do tattoos stay after you regenerate lollll? And no as much as I wanted to talk about Constantine, From Dusk Till Dawn and Harry Potter tattoos buttt I think you get the pictureee. Haha =]

Myers 301

Oh, before my next post. I moved rooms at Findlay. Still in a single (woooohoooo).

Myers 301

Silent cry of rebellion

Once seen as a silent cry of rebellion, tattoos now poses a status so firmly mainstream that advertisers are using them to market everything from tires and shoes to wine and energy drinks. Haha. That has its downside, though. The more acceptable tattoos become, the more they lose their edginess and their value as advertising. There is always an element of rebellion or rite of passage with these things. What makes them interesting is how the marketplace appropriates that rebelliousness and serves that back to you in the form of an energy drink.
The 7-Eleven convenience store chain recently started selling an energy drink called Inked, aimed at people who either have tattoos or those who want to think of themselves as the tattoo type. The company plans to market the drink at motorcycle rallies and tattoo conventions.
As the attention of young consumers gets spread between TV, blogs, online video and other distractions, marketers have resorted to alternative methods to get their interest. Marketers use tattoos both as a cultural icon and as the method to deliver the message. It's an attempt to do something different in a fresh way.

On a never-ending quest to appeal to the young and young-minded, companies from Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. to Volvo are using tattoos in advertising and promotion. Even wine sellers have adopted the tattoo, with managers of the Yellow Tail brand..(my mom even drinks this) sending something like 600,000 temporary tattoos out with an October issue of the New Yorker magazine and wine importer Billington Wines taking the name Big Tattoo Wines for its $10 a bottle brand.

For a couple of years I heard that Goodyear's Dunlop tire unit has offered a set of free tires to anyone who will get the company's flying-D logo tattooed somewhere on their body, and 98 people have taken up the offer. I MEAN ARE PEOPLE FUCKING CRAZY?! But, some of them are brand loyalists who already own Dunlop tires, while others were tattoo fans who wanted to add to their body art supposedly. I don’t really see how this is art but okay?

For those friendly to the idea of being a walking billboard, the Web site connects advertisers with people who want to be paid for sporting tattoo advertisements. Which seems like a really cool idea.

Volvo has also recently utilized tattoos in another way… by creating a fictional character whose tattoos spelled out the coordinates of an undersea location of like a shit ton of gold coins and the keys to a new car. I don’t know if I’m correct but it seems like the tattoo man was a way to get people to think differently about the Volvo brand?

Tattoos are becoming so pervasive that some see them as less effective in marketing to trendsetters. The stereotypes of bikers and rough types seem out now lol, sorry guys. People think of urban moms having tattoos these days.

Once corporations use tattoos, it's clear they have lost some of their edginess. You've got this constant game of cat and mouse, of youth culture and these companies. That lifecycle just gets shorter and shorter and shorter.

General Mills has been selling Fruit Roll-Ups with tattoo-shaped cutouts that let children make temporary tongue tattoos which I almost forgot about haha. Shoe maker Nike Inc. has employed celebrity tattoo artist Mister Cartoon to design six lines of limited-edition shoes. And just this month, the glass and crystal seller Steuben Glass announced it would sell tattoo-inspired vase and crystal sculpture designs by artist Kiki Smith.

I'd have to say it has lost most of its social stigma..I mean, tattoos these days are almost pathetic. From the logos, to getting free tire tatts to those stupid meaningless tribal ones (you know what I mean). But some of us still make tattoos exciting. I have a friend who has a superrrrrr detailed tattoo of Jack Skellington on his back. Infact, I was almost blown away with the detail. It’s beautiful. His friend, this girl, now.. she has a realllllllll clean looking Bayside tatt. Omg its gorgeous. Not to mention in the perfect location son. Another friend, this girl I go to the gym with has a BEASTY sleeve tattoo. Now that tatt is wicked tight. The detail and colors. Especially the fade job when it gets to her wrist. That is a true work of art. Another good friend has KING BROS tattooed across his back, its HUGE. Stupid. Very stupid but, it looks cool, lol.

American consumers watched as rock stars of the 1980s got tattoos. Their supermodel girlfriends followed, and that made tattoos visible on the women who are seen by many as icons of beauty.That led to the proliferation of tattoos.

To underscore that, corporate lawyer David Kimelberg published in April a book, "INKED Inc., Tattooed Professionals," that features photos of doctors, lawyers and other executives, first in their normal work clothes then dressed so their large-scale tattoos can be seen. The goal of the photos is to show how tattoos are gaining popularity in corporate America.

The rest of the world is finally catching up to us.

Tattoos aren’t just ink. They’re a way of life.

the patron of grocers, mariners, paratroopers, police and sickness..

Sancte Michael Archangele,
defende nos in proelio;
contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium.
Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur:
tuque, Princeps militiae Caelestis,
satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo,
divina virtute in infernum detrude.

No i'm NOT religious at all, i don't believe in anything and religion is bullshit.. still think st. michael is cool though

on with ya lives.

st michael is dead

probably makes you wonder why i chose this. it has nothing to do with mike, hes obviously no saint..... i thought it sounded cool.

just thought i'd clarify.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Nim's Island

Is an uber cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee movieee.Strangely...

I give it 2-3 1/2 stars.

I think I'm going to get a pet pelican. Me, gusgus, che & rere =] lol. We're gonna name it Galileo

That sucker looks wicked mean haha

My punk bands called Operation Iraqi Freedom

They call it KFC
'Cause it's not really chicken
Hot chettos for breakfast
Make a young student sick and
Did you ever think someone's trickin' you?
And the guy in the pulpit
Is a biggit and a lie
Some kid walks into my school and opens fire
Heard any good jokes lately?
'Cause we sure do need 'em
My punk band's called Operation Iraqi Freedom
What's it gonna be?
Are you real to me?
Or are you non dairy... creamer?
A new love is burning up with me
'Cause 1 in 4 American girls has an STD.
And you can buy yourself some implants
But you can't buy a soul that never launched
With your chest pumped out
What are you so afraid about?
What are you so afraid of?
And two gay guys got married
And brought the family to its knees
How did they blow us to smithereens
Just a couple of queens
I'll tell you now
They brought marriage to an end
And I've found myself some culprits
Mission accomplished

Sunday, August 16, 2009

To be happy

rapunzel killed 10 thousand hours
up atop that locked up tower,
its not fair
thats a lot of solitaire,
alot of braiding her hair...
it gets lonely up there....
little red riding hood was followed,
little red riding hoods grandmom was swallowed.
sleeping beauty got sick
from her stepmoms wicked trick,
from the needle prick
the witch did something to snow white, its not nice
she ate the apple slice
the dwarfs put her on ice...
you gotta suffer alot to be happy.
it takes ALOT of suffering to be happy.

True Blood

Somehow...I rather enjoy the show I thought would be retarded.

I'd put my ear against your heart to keep the beat forever

that kid

excuse my mood, my nigga, but i feel a bit decepticon

That's one sexy bird

the next band that would change my life and it changed my life

When people out in the streets see the word "CULT" on my wrist they automatically assume it's some sort of paganism, but it's not. Bayside is more than just a band. This's about our way of life. I mark this band as the one with the most influence in my life. I sincerely doubt anything will change that. While I was at one of the lowest points in my life, Bayside was there to get me through the toughest times. I'm grateful for that. They opened up my eyes for me to see what the world has to offer, which isn't much except for what you make of it yourself. There's a common misconception that Bayside is just this "emo" band and makes you want to slice your veins. Well that's bullshit. Listening to Bayside makes me happy every time that I'm down. I'm sure it does the same for others too. You may think what I say is a lie and that I just did it to be different. Well you're wrong. It isn't a lie. In fact, it's the truth. But you're right. I did it to be different. I did it because I didn't want to be exactly like everyone else out there. I did it so that I could lead a more different,and honest life. And to this day, everything that the majority of the population worships makes me want to throw up. Music, culture, and society is just selling out by the minute and people are buying it. There's only one thing that's not, and it's Bayside. That man, Anthony Raneri, along with Nick Ghanbarian, Jack O'shea and Chris Guglielmo, do what other bands fail to do each time around: Make music that actually means something. And that folks, is what sets them apart, ahead and above any other musical entity. You may not see it on the Billboard charts or on MTV, but it's held dear in our hearts where only they can reach. "I can understand why people would initially be concerned about it if they love our band and they understand what we're all about. Our music and lyrics are abrasive and they have a tendency to weed out the shit heads. Bayside is not and will never be casual listening. If you don't get it, you don't get it and that's all. If a 30 year old hardcore guys from Boston or a 20 year old Modest Mouse fan in Seattle or 15 year old teeny bopper from Dallas understands our band, like what we're doing and can relate to it in any way, then that's amazing. That's why I make music, so it can help people and give them something to believe in and smile about. I'm not an elitist. I don't want to alienate anyone and it's got nothing to do with money or popularity. You don't have to be a certain level of cool to listen to Bayside. i just want you to get it." -Anthony Raneri

I've noticed that I get along pretty well...(well most atleast who aren't crazy bitches) with people who like Bayside and constantly battle with those who don't. And it's not because I like Bayside. That has nothing to do with it actually. It's just something I've derived from my observations. Those people actually understand better, are smart, mature (some haha), good people, and have great personalities for the most part. KEY WORDs: For the MOST part. We're all different, yet united only by one thing; the CULT.

Pickin' Bayside apart, sorry guys

Every album has only gotten better and to say I expected this to continue is no understatement. beloved boys from the NYC/Long Island are may have taken a step backwards in the progression they've worked so hard to achieve....

As Bayside was beginning to reveal details about Shudder, Anthony Raneri, the frontman of the group, said the band wanted to make a very straightforward rock record. I believe there may have been hints at a punk type theme to some extent, but really he should have just said they wanted to simplify because from the get go it's apparent that they've done just that. Boy, the kickoff track starts a t full speed with some wonderful piano overlays before the band falls into the slightly relaxed verse sections that they've become known for. Raneri sounds clean as ever and the instrumentation is spot on. The record as a whole does sound a bit rougher than the previous, but I think that's fitting for what's being done on the album as a whole. The chorus here [which was revealed in the groups mini viral marketing campaign] is possibly the best on the whole record and that, of course, is a double edged sword. To me, this song is everything that's great about Bayside: songs you can relate to with perfect lyrics and pacing. However, the guitar part is very repetitive and the band seems to not have that large sound they brought last time around. Though, gang vocals and time changes near the end seal it as a instant Bayside classic. Up next, The Ghost of St. Valentine, which once again starts at full steam and let's us get a small taste of the great guitar work the band's other guitar player, Jack, has become known for. The verse is very laid back like most tracks on the band's self titled release and the chorus soars. it's easily one of the album's top three tracks and has a very god bridge that brings in more lyrics that people will swallow whole and teens will want to scream into pillows when they're angry at night. This then takes us to the single, No One Understands. From the get go, you know this is the single for the album. Much like Duality, this one starts less abrasively and remains that way throughout. It's great for the radio, but I fear some Bayside fans will catch on to how this track doesn't really fit the flow the album has had so far. Which then leaves us torn, because it's a solid track, but it feels out of place here. This is the kind of song I think Anthony could write with both eyes closed and I just expect more since they're now 4 full lengths of original material into their career. What and What Not is like a b-side from the self titled record. The drums feel... weak, but Raneri rocks the lyrics quite well. However, there's something about the chorus that grows old a bit to quick for me. There's a fine line between catchy song writing and annoying and I feel that this song dances across that picket fence. The track overall has a very rough feel to it, but once again, that's the sound they wanted so it works for me. The fifth song, A Call To Arms, almost comes across with a Psychobilly sound and, for lack of better phrasing, is just not a good fit for the band. I'm alright with experimenting with sounds and new ideas that you feel the desire to loose, but this one, like the radio single, just feels to simple overall sound wise. I mean, to make a driving rock record is fine, but don't lose your technicality altogether in order to achieve this. Luckily, just as you start to think this, Jack comes in with a blazing guitar solo and salvages a song that was in dire need of such a savior. I'm going to count this as the band's one opportunity to save a song with a great solo. That's a one trick pony and not one you can just whip out whenever. I Can't Go On, is the next stop on Shudder and features some solid guitar work, but struggles on pacing issues. Raneri maintains a mainly apathetic tone throughout, which fits the music, but struggle to keep us interested. Musically, I think this is a solid step for the group, but it feels like there should be something it's building to and we never seem to reach that destination.

"You can never really win, not to say you're born to lose, you were born to take 10th place, out of 20 in the field'' is the opening lines to the made for teen America, Demons..and a beast ass quote. This is the Bayside song I've been waiting to hear since the second track on this disc. The guitars are driving and the lyrics about hating who you've become are something everyone in my generation can probably relate to. As long as people make it this far in the disc, I'm sure they will find something to love about the album because this is the best song on the entire CD. I can't say anymore without saying too much, but find this song and listen to it right away. This leads into the furious guitar intro to the Princess Bride inspired song title, Have Fun Storming The Castle. This song continues the sound of the last track and that's the one that works for this band. Everything is fast like the band seemed to be going for on this album and technicality and intensity lyrically is beautiful. this then leads into an oddity of a song, but the last of this new found breath of life for the album. Howard, a song in which Raneri seems to relate himself to billionaire Howard Hughes, is addictive for reasons beyond me. The story of the track seems to be a discussion on how people just want and want then take and take, but still throw you out after you give them everything you have. I'm sure if teens know the name, they may jump right on this bandwagon. It's a great metaphor for our current world and hopefully it'll cause some people to look into the life of the legend of Howard Hughes. Roshambo, the 10th track on the album, starts out heavy as can be and moves into a driving, Sum 41 like pace and rhythm. Raneri's more relaxed voice doesn't match up well with the speed of the verses and causes the track to stumble, but solid drum work comes in to save the day. The chorus, which is made for the youth of America to raise fists to, is very solid, but the verses just feel very awkward and make the track as a whole a bit difficult to completely stomach. I Think I'll Be Okay, the last rock driven song on the album is old school Bayside and goes down quite smooth. It's a pretty straightforward rock song and has very obvious Matt Skiba influence, but it's so good, TOTALLLLYYYYY listened to it on repeat 4 times the first time it played good. This track is made even better by the fact that the song before and after it are just nothing in comparison. By following song, I mean the acoustic closer, Moceanu,which, just falls flat. Raneri spends the verses spelling...literally spelling out words. "I'm s-i-c-k of my meaningless life where c-h-a-n-c-e-s keep passing me by"... is how the song begins and from there it just gets old, very, very fast. The band tries to change up things with a gang vocals and swaying music, but it's too late to save this closer. Bayside is a band that has changed lives. They've saved people from jumping off buildings and taught us that more people feel like you do than you can ever imagine. Hell they saved me from one FUCKED up relationship, if you could even call it that haha, with a total douche and his crazy ass ex girl...anyways Anthony Raneri is a songwriter for my generation and this album simply doesn't showcase the band's talent as much as I had hoped. The group has overcome so much and matured ridiculously over the previous three albums, but Shudder is the weakest album since the band's Victory debut. It's hit and miss and just leaves you wishing for more. It's by no means an awful disc and I'm sure it'll gain more fans for the band, but I don't think the cult devotees will be completely satisfied. I would tell you to buy this album on principle alone as Bayside is one of the greatest bands out here, but for you old school fans, don't get your hopes up too high. HAHA ain't that some crazy shit?


So there was another MTV Movie Awards that happened the other night, and people were hooked onto the staged Eminem teabagged skit....fucking retarded. I still don't understand why people continue to watch a fake awards show that’s basically just one big 2 hour fest of promotions for upcoming movies by the presenters. It's just one big 2 hour commercial with fake awards.
This brings up a thought I had: if the majority of people keep complaining that MTV doesn't show music videos and have too many reality shows, then why do YOU keep watching the shitty network? SHITTTTTTT!
I hear dumb shit like "I hate watching MTV but I like to see how bad the shows are (you don't do Cocaine cause you want to see negative effects, to which MTV has the same negative effects)" or "I hate watching it but they're going to premier a music video/trailer (Just be patient and wait for it to go online)." The fact that you still contribute by watching the channel, you help them......
People complain that the MTV Executives are stupid and keep having dumb programming. In reality, theyr pretty fucking smart because theyre feeding stupid people bullshit in which they pay Comcast to watch trivial and unoriginal stuff like "Bromance."
So lesson here: You have the right to complain about MTV, once you stop watching it.

Ashybutts Top 20 Undergrounds

the Top 20 Greatest Underground Debuts:

20. The Weakerthans - Fallow
19. Panic! At The Disco- A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out
18. Protest The Hero- Kezia
17. From First To Last- Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has Body
16. The Get Up Kids- Four Minute Mile
15. The Lawrence Arms- Guided Tour of Chicago
14. Primus- Frizzle Fry
13. Rancid- Rancid
12. Thursday- Waiting
11. Circa Survive- Juturna
10. Hey Mercedes- Everynight Fire Works
9. Less Than Jake- Pezcore
8 . New Found Glory- Nothing Gold Can Stay
7. Rise Against- The Unraveling
6. Catch 22- Keasbey Nights
5. Dropkick Murphys- Do or Die
4. Taking Back Sunday- Tell All Your Friends
3. Further Seems Forever- The Moon Is Down
-remember how Chris Carraba formed Dashboard Confessional and made a millionbajillionairforceillion dollars? Yeah, he was in Further Seems Forever before that ever happened.... And they WERE incredible. The Moon Is Down is still one of the most powerful collections of songs I've ever heard, showcasing Carraba's vocals amidst spectacular drums and sentimental melodies. If you've never heard these guys, you better check em out. Just don't listen to any of their other albums, because this is the only one worthwhile.
2. Saves The Day- Can’t Slow Down
1. Alkaline Trio- Goddamnit

Breathing life into a dead language..

I'd like to introduce you to a brand new punk act that I've only known for a short time, a group that's as tight as they are melodic. The band: Latin for Truth

Who the hell are these guys, anyway? Somehow, it took Latin for Truth three EPs, a collection of demos and a full-length before they popped up on my radar -- a signal that I don't mind bragging is quite attuned to the burgeoning pop-core scene. Apparently, the band has encountered a few setbacks over the last year or so and has decided a redefinition is in order.

LFT mixes tight, quick drum tracks reminiscent of Anchors for Arms, melodic vocals a la No Use for a Name, MXPX- and Gatsby's American Dream-like chord progressions, and an urgency that is all their own. This is a band that would make Lifetime proud.

Even better: LFT's new (rebirth) EP, We Are Sick of Not Having the Courage to Be Absolute Nobodies (name taken from a Salinger essay), is available for free digital download that I wish I knew how to imbed haha. A full-length, already titled Youth Crew Blues, is due out in 2010.

I'm going to be looking for good things from these guys in the future. Check em out

Now, you Irish cops are perking up. That's two sound theories in one day, neither of which deal with abnormally sized men. Kind of makes me feel like Riverdancing."
- Paul Smecker, Boondock Saints



Theres no doubt about it that the greatest FF characters go something like: Cloud, Vinicent, Sephiroth, Squall and then Tifa. But Red XIII deserves to be up there eventhough he wasn’t the strongest useable character. He had a wicked cool story. His real name is Nanaki, and is large, powerful, leonine and coated with fire red fur. His species possesses great longevity, his 48 years only amounts to adolescence by his species' standards. He originally came from the area Cosmo Canyon, where his species had lived for many generations. They were nearly destroyed by a protracted feud with their rivals, however, which claimed the life of Red’s father and many others of his kind. Red himself was raised in part by a human, the former Shinra researcher Bugenhagen. ..blah blah blah
As it turned out, however, he was not the only one of his species left. One of the only certainties established in FF7’s famously ambiguous ending was the fact that Red would eventually survive, find a mate, and raise Red XIII juniors….

A hardcore band to remember, bra

Whoever thought of mating anger with happiness blew my fuckingggggggg mind. I'm of course talking about the affectionately-labeled "happy hardcore" (or "melodic hardcore" to those keeping official track), LOLOL a trend that is catching on in a big way. You've probably already noticed this burgeoning movement erupting through bands like Set Your Goals, Daggermouth, Four Year Strong -- and of course the band that began the movement in the first place... Fall Out Boy. Don't act so offended, hardcore kids.Haha.

Expect to hear a lot about the next up-and-coming act in metalcore, a five piece from Florida called A Day To Remember. These kids can rock, and they've got the melodic hardcore world by its tail with their new release, Homesick.

Yep, here comes another bastard-child analogy to try to put the band's sound on the level. Think Bullet for My Valentine (fresh off a recent fling with My Chemical Romance) meets Fall Out Boy, falls in puppy love, elopes to Vegas and is wed by Set Your Goals, who have the authority to marry following a mix-up at the state department. The resulting offspring would sound a lot like ADTR.

Homesick makes me feel simultaneously comfortable and violently ill. ADTR masters the art of hardcore with an ecstatic flair, utilizing some of the most radio friendly riffs I've heard from a hardcore act. The screaming borders on death metal; the drums are oddly dumbed down. But the edge is there in a big way...and so are the hooks. They could have called this album The Next Big Thing in Underground Music and it would have turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Final summation? A Day to Remember will top my chart as the next music act that I love to hate, drawing in an audience most hardcore bands won't be able to relate to but keeping me interested with their catchy, edgy tracks. They stand as a reminder that even hardcore can be relatable to a wider audience while solidifying the death of gang vocals.

"You know I've got you, like a puppet in the palm of my hand, don't you let me down."
- A Day to Remember, "I'm Made of Wax, Larry, What Are You Made Of?"


5 things;

The world should be without:

1. Lady Gaga

2. MTV

3. Douche bags

4. The White Tie Affair

3. Brokencyde

Are we "Inseperable" or "Just Friends"

Rene "rere" No Middle Name (Alano) De La Cerda..JR.
He, like coryboo, is mine so NO you cant have rere either.

Now that I've settled that issue, let me tell you about him. He's like my best buddy haha. We can talk for hours basically about nothing. We're gonna get married! Well...when I get around to buying his camaro lol. But yeahhhhhh man hes tight. I gave him a middle name cause this fool hasn't got one. But like OMG =] hesssssssss tight. He says I'm tooo sad lol. And I just laugh at him (even though he doesn't know it). Strangely enough we like alot of the same type of shit. Especially the same music which is mad important. I'm like a music based person. And I think this fool knows it by now. He ALWAYS trys to trick me spitting lyrics at me but I know just about every song. Haha. Sorry rere. He's the diamond in the rough. He's my sunshine in the rain. My tylenol when I'm in pain. Like a tall glass of lemonade when it's burning hot on a summer day. He's exactly what I need =]. He's my smile when I'm feeling blue, my midnight sleep when the day is through. Hes kinda like the feeling after your first kiss, except that everyday he makes me feel like this. He's more of what I need, less of what I don't.

P.S- He can't dance. LOLOL

"According to Greek mytholgy,
humans were originally created with four arms,
four legs, and a head with two faces.
Fearing their powers,
Zeus split them into two parts;
condemning them to spend the rest of their lives
in search of their other halves."
Is this a happy one rere??????

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Although it is such a singular word,
there are many variations of alone.
There is the alone of an empty beach at twilight.
There is the alone of an empty hotel room.
There is the alone of being caught in a throng of people.
There is the alone of missing a particular person.
And there is the alone of being with a particular person
and realizing you are still alone.

dead end signs

i like dead end signs.
i think they're kind.
at least they have the decency to let you know when you're going


Superman's not brave.
You can't be brave if you're indestructible.
If you're indestructible then..
you've got nothing to lose


Strange as it may seem,
I still hope for the best,
even though the best,
like an interesting piece of mail,
so rarely arrives,
and even when it does it can be lost so easily.


Don't ever put your faith in me,
I'll only let you down.
Don't pick me up when I'm stumbling,
just leave me on the ground
and right or wrong I'll stick by the things I say
and I couldn't give a shit if you go or if you stay


I've tried to capture it never found a way.
'Cause wrapping words around a love that made
Palaces of parking lots
and art of ugly hearts isn't easy.


Roll the dice for this game called life.
People change.
Friendships fade.
Time for your best poker face.
In the end, believe in yourself.
You’re all that you have.


Thats my boo. He's deathly in love with my eyes,
And NO you can't have him.

He's my loveeeeeeeeeee or as he says "lerve" =] and he deserves a blog.

bloglookinass =].

He looks like Chris Brown, minus the beating girls part haha. We get along like noooo otherrrrrrrrrrrr its crazy and mindblowinggg. I'd be lost without my Cory. And he's so pretty. Ahh I love my coryboo. We have a jillion million zilllllllllllion songs.

I love his life. Simple as that.

Myspace prissy lookin hoes

some girls should just quit takin pictures lmao. trying to strike "sexy" poses instead giving the illusion theyr in serious pain haha. things that are out: metallic lipglosses, eyeshadows, stupid facial expressions. and hun if your flat (which you most likely are) please dont show that 12 year old shit like its just totally bamazing. grosssss. use your brain dears, your given one for a reason.

on with your pathetic lives of....trying to seduce boys lolol probably have fucked half your state, 3 cities and your own home town obviously including the basketball team lmaooo grimey!


Friday, August 14, 2009

Peace Poppin Bitches...

Fuck.... please, grow up and get a life.
Undoubtedly, the peace sign is in the past.
Can any of you you people who rep it explain what its even about lmoooo.
Knock on anyones door and the people who answer will tell you that you flowerchild lookin fucks need to take a look in the mirror to see how dumb yall look lmaoooo


People i'm friends with agree with me haha
Omg..its like the newest craze. "Hey, look how cool I am with the way i dress" lmao!!
Pllllllllease....thats what yall look like and its really sad.
Peace sings are sooooo not 09, 10, or 11. Things left in the past belong there lol....
I mean, it just pisses me off ...BLAHHH these dumb hoes rep it like crazyyyyyyyyyy.
Notttttt a fan of this shit

Bitches do me a favor....
In regards of 2009. Act the time.
This isnt some 60's shit.
Campaign for Nuclear probably DONT know what it means. Well CND developed the peace sign. LMAO
Haha yall serriously dont know what the peace sign means do you? You just go around repping the "HOTTEST NEW THING" unfortunately its this shitty sign lmao.
Eh to me its just a chicken track in a circle. =]
Stop being so NAIVE. Yall do know it also goes by the names: broken cross, crow's foot, witch's foot, nero cross, sign of the broken jew, and the symbol of the anti-christ (not that im religious or give a particular fuck but still lmao know what the hell your REPPIN shit.)

Guarantee you, every bitch who reps this sign has fucked every nigga in LA and DC haha

To all that don't do research... you need to wake up.. there's a whole lot else out there that's not what you think it means..

Peace poppin bitches....fuckin lameeeeeeeeee. its not even cute...

Well, to sum everything up: know what your repping.

Fuckin fags.

Like JD Salinger

Are you frightened by the weight you possess or- is this life just weightlessness? Smoggy twilight in LA, I can't think of one real thing to say. And Robbie Williams is walking in the canyons, forgets that we were friends. I guess it all depends on your mood. Why can't these meds be any damn good? Why can't you be like when I was thirteen? Why can't you be like a art house foreign movie, frank and sexy, red balloons, and ennui? And aloof to me and, why can't you be a little more of a mystery? Why can't you be the part of me that's missing? Instead of leaving me for some other, said we're perfect for each other, and I know we won't go spend our lives alone. Why can't you be like an outsourced government contract? I'm a fat cat getting away with anything. Kicking some secret special powers, illumination rounds in showers. Cause you're tearing your hair out. Well we can have better flowers. Why can't you be like the guys out on the road? Some guys are happy just to see me. Cause you've got moxie and a broken nose. Take them away from this prose. Sometimes foreplays not enough. Why can’t you play-a little less rough? Why can't you be the part of me that's missing? Instead of leaving me for some other, said we're perfect for each other, and I know we won't go spend our lives alone. Can we, just leave it be? And we can live, our lives, separately? Could you forget-what happens to you-you and me? When we're dead-and we'll be dead-we'll have eternity. And I will spend it all- missing you-seeing you with me. So all of a life....I will always be. Why can't you be looking a little deeper into me? Like JD Salinger. Why do i challenge him, in all these surface ways that you displease? Why can't you be a little more at ease? Why can't you be like a hand rolled cigarette? I'm not joking- This masochistic self pity of smoking and this silly ditty... I keep provoking you to leave me... Why can't you be, like a candle I can snuff? You're still a diamond in the rough- and I swear to God- I've had enough. How can I, Call your bluff?

And life is short and dull categorize to the full, until the charm is gone. And your a big boy, if you wanna get it will. And if you don't, you won't. You could have such a life, with me. I could knit baby sweaters, we could watch the flatscreen t.v. You know I love you but I feel so one in ten. Love doesn't come in perfect packages, that means I qualify..and I know it’s not your way but I thought we could give it a try. But you lost your faith in me.

Everything's changing now...all these winter stars still flying. Cassiopeia...everythings changing now. Through the backs of broke windows, so I can finally breathe and release into one thousand pieces, I have broke into over you. Maybe we could live like kings....we could take a risk. We could live in doubt. Maybe you and I are cursed. Maybe you and I are one...That’s the universe around, around.

It’s what you always wanted.

All I want right now is the time where we slept on the floor. You said "right here right now is all we're living for". I got the velocity and all i need now is the mass. Can you take me into days I never knew? Maybe now, just maybe now we can bridge the distance.

If only you knew, how empty I feel. But maybe then your lonely too and its tearing through you like a punctured wound..Maybe no one knows what to do. When we know we're alone in a temporary home. Maybe we'll realize that’s a blessing in disguise? I spent the last three years setting myself on fire for you. I spend the last three years never knowing if what you say is true. And it'll be this way till one of us dies. Is that a blessing in disguise? Well I confess that so far happiness eludes me in my life. You better hurry up if it’s ever to be mine. Better hurry up...if we're ever gonna find what we're living for. If it’s not you, anymore...I'll learn....

To tell you babe, it’s you and only you and no one else. And I'll mean it even when I'm talking to myself. Now I'm stuck in a poem, and then I'm walking by myself. In the dark..and all alone. Maybe I'm like my father? Strung out on something or another held to a standard....we were always sinking under...and maybe I'm like my mother? She shattered cause no one loved her...Maybe I..maybe I'm like no other? And some moments are more real than the books I've read. And a good man, maybe he meant what he said, cause to feel ya goes straight to my head. And everything changed in a day...and I know another one is on the way.

I never loved blues till Stevie Ray Vaughn. I never felt you till you were gone. And all of my shadows grow taller than trees. And all of my good mean nothing to me. Don’t let go, never say "I told you so". If there was a word, what I did to myself and all the longing but nothing else, if there was a word for longing and peace..until you give me some release. You can't say we didn't give it all the way. You can't say we did the limit...every single night. To claim to understand's gonna take a long time..

You know I love you and you'll always be my one in ten. But why can’t you be the part of me that’s missing? Instead of leaving me for another? Why can’t you be thinking a little deeper into JD Salinger …? Why can’t you be a little more at ease? Could you forget what happens to you- to you and me? Why can’t you be like a candle I can snuff…your still a diamond in the rough. And I swear to God, I’ve had enough.