Monday, October 26, 2009

Memorable Boyfran Moments

Me: So are we dating?
Boyfran: After what happened on the bathroom floor? God, I hope so.
Me: Loser.


Me: I can do anything a boy can do..well except pee standing up..
Boyfran: Like thats important
Me: Yeah I'm not exactly sure where I was going with that one..
Boyfran: Are you ever sure?
Me: lol
Me: You are so full of shit.
Boyfran: Did you call me to say that?
Me: Hallmark didnt have a card so I had to relay the sentiment via satellite.

Me: Please?
Boyfran: Your name is Please? Or are you making another scandalous request?
Me: Hmmmm....
Boyfran: I'm thinking it's the scandalous request.
Me: Umm

Boyfran: Is she a secret agent or something?
Me: She's some kinda...wood nymph...but wood nymphs dont wear boxer shorts and t-shirts...
Boyfran: Thanks for that pearl of wisdom
Me: Anytime
Boyfran: Thats what I'm afraid of.
Me: Very funny..

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