Sunday, September 16, 2012

this is my kingdom come

i know how to hold a grudge....i still got a couple dances left with the devil..
i can make a bridge go up in flames...and i can set fire to the rain
hows this the easier way? its far from giving up.
the books that i keep by my bags are full of the stories...that i drew up
on a little dream of mine, a nightmare of yours
im meeting your eyes for the first time, for the last
howling ghosts they reappear in mountains that are stacked with fear
but youre a king and im a lionheart. a lionheart.
walking down to the waters edge....asking why im here instead of home
now i stand alone.
i stop to stare at the ocean breathing in just to feel its side with his
like you were here with me..
same channel on a different day, only going thru the same mistakes again
now im feelin like a skipping disc, its something that i dont know what it is
i hope sooner i reach the blink and a look to start again
its like stepping on a spinning wheel again...i keep turning till i dont know what to feel
im feeling like a skipping disc, its like im moving but i get nowhere
its just an echo out in the air
the serpent meets its tail, and i only hear myself repeating
and my heart says something else
i can only hear myself repeating
this is my kingdom come

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