Saturday, September 15, 2012

Het Handboek! Part 2

The Manual.
                                                                 Il Manuale.
El manuelo.
Das Handbuch.
                     O Manual.
                       Le Manuel.

2011. 2nd Edition Part 2

--------------------------------------------------If Found Please Return To M.D or Ashley Nikole-------------------------------------
So, a little note about this.Just in case it confuses people and you're too goddamn lazy to read Het Handboek part 1. So some history you probably SHOULD have read if you creeped the first Het Handboek: This was supposed to be the 2nd edition (obviously lol) of the first Manuel. On surviving like, everything. Like life. Zombies.... and yeah everything random under the sun I thought was relative at the time. It's a very cute (jk totally MANLY) small black MOLESKINE journal thing.  It was something to hopefully make a great guys day in case it was shitty (Afghanistan or if he was just bored as fuck), or to remind him how retarded I am. (duh, Mission Accomplished)...Anyways...if I never get the 1st Edition back I totally understand. It was TOOO EPICCCC for words! But yeah, I totally understand if he "forgets" to put it in the box if in fact...he sends the box. But whatever, anyways this is what the 2nd Edition contains:

This is Part 2, as always...ENJOY!! 



***Side Note: this was boxed in. Too hard to do on the computer.


10 Lessons for Surviving a Zombie Attack:

1. Organize before they rise.
2. They feel no fear, why should you?
3. Use your head: cut off theirs.
4. Blades don't need reloading.
5. Ideal protection= tight clothes, short hair.
6. Get up staircases. Then destroy them.
7. Get out of the car, get on the bike.
8. Keep moving, keep low, keep quiet, keep alert. Keep it the fuck down.
9. No place is safe, only safer.
10. The zombie may be gone, but the threat lives on.

***side note: then at the end I wrote Zombies in shaky, bleeding red letter style. It was pretty badass.


Now for






The Double Tap



Beware of bathrooms






Shoot first



Even though you are colorblind, 
I'll still save ya






Break it up



...with your bare hands



Don't swing low



Use your feet



Travel light



Get a kickass partner

ya one man kinda woman

***side note: only one person would get this haha. It was a pretty epic phone convo.



Avoid strip clubs



When in doubt, know your way out.



Check the backseat



Enjoy the little things.

I am a little thing.



Double knot your shoelaces



Always carry a weapon



Learn the gun shops
& police stations...thats
where the guns are.
That wooden baseball bat
wont last forever.



Learn to drive...if you 
dont already - go along 
with #4



Use your thumbs

ya monkey!



Bounty paper (squiggles)

**side note: where it says squiggles I spazzed out and crossed out paper towels. Drew a line from squiggle to the bottom of the page and said TYPO. lol



A little sarcasm never
hurt anybody



Pack your stain stick



Swiss army knife



Its a marathon, not
a sprint. Unless its 
a sprint, then sprint.



The "skillet"

***side note: Don't actually know what the "skillet" is..but if your survival depends on it..I hope it saves you. Whatever "it" is.



Shake it off



Have a kickass nickname.

Sexy isn't a kickass nickname btw.



When this shit goes down
don't trust in the military.

The military would go bat shit crazy nuts
with all the power.



Don't go to the 
grocery store and

Yeah, that flatscreen looks
pretty sweet.....
til' the zombie smashes
your head through it.



Listen to the little kids.
When things are getting
weird and the little kid
says they saw something?

The kid saw something.



If you know how to sew,
make A LOT of 
cargo pockets.

***Side note: then I proceeded to draw a needle and thread. Give me a break! So what it didn't look "PERFECT" haha.



Remember, if this 
were to happen, EVER,
this will not be a walk
in the park.. unless 
you have part of the 
Bloods or Crips in your just
like shootin.



Race doesn't matter.

When was the last time
you saw a zombie pick
a black guy over a white


Disco Curtis sings a song 

Escape the Fate 
also has a song
called Ashley.




"Falling in Love in a Coffee Shop"

is a fantastic song.

Its by Landon 



**side note: This is where I drew the Wu Tang sign. C'mon...old school. I'm a boss.


Anyways, thats all for tonight. Like I said before, if YOU are reading this...may it make you smile. Or smirk. Or do that sexy smolder look.

If you guys are on xbox. Add me :)
A5H Cheekz

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