Friday, September 14, 2012

Het Handboek!

The Manual.
                                                                 Il Manuale.
El manuelo.
Das Handbuch.
                     O Manual.
                       Le Manuel.

2011. 2nd Edition

--------------------------------------------------If Found Please Return To M.D or Ashley Nikole-------------------------------------
So, a little note about this.Just in case it confuses people. This was supposed to be the 2nd edition (obviously lol) of the first Manuel. On surviving like, everything. Like life. Zombies.... and yeah everything random under the sun I thought was relative at the time. It's a very cute (jk totally MANLY) small black MOLESKINE journal thing.  It was something to hopefully make a great guys day in case it was shitty (Afghanistan or if he was just bored as fuck), or to remind him how retarded I am. (duh, Mission Accomplished)...Anyways...if I never get the 1st Edition back I totally understand. It was TOOO EPICCCC for words! But yeah, I totally understand if he "forgets" to put it in the box if in fact...he sends the box. But whatever, anyways this is what the 2nd Edition contains:

It begins or starts...or whatever Mufasa said...or was it Rafiki? 
And did I spell Mufasa right? Oh well...haha

Do not wear Sensual Amber around
the caracal. He will turn into
one of those guys in the 


I cant actually say what this page said.
 It would make an Ex-Roomie mad if 
she reads this haha.Sorry folks.


When a man gives you 
gum (the packs) everyday,

In your case cigarettes.


When yelling racist things 
on your porch at night,
make sure the front door
is bolted shut.


When in doubt, 
snoop a room....

or smack a


When taking photographs at night
be aware of random people
coming up to you for change.


When calling Andrew,
expect him 2 hours later.

2-3 usually, or NEVER.


If you find Hulk
in your fridge, be
advised that it might
just be raw chicken...


If somebody leaves food
in your apt. dont
worry, I love free food


The male peafowl (peacock)
has a very fluffy ass.

...and they are 
really easy
to sneak up on.


Birds can beatbox

(I drew little birds everywhere)


When surrounded by people
dont scream "squirrel".


Do not watch the 
movie Human Centipede.


You are not a cop when:

A. You work at Santa Fe College
B. You drive a golf cart
C. You DONT have a gun.


Remember, the trunk
of your car does
not doouble as a baby changing

**Side note: so when I was writing this one...double ended up looking like DOOBLE
so I ended up drawing a line from DOOBLE to the bottom of the page
stating that it did in fact say DOUBLE.


Icy Hot spray fixes 

If also makes a
great weapon
when sprayed
in the eyes.


If you have a pussy horn
dont honk it.


If you feel sleepy and
your eyes are dry, lick
your fingers and rub 
your eyes.

Trust me, it works.


Proventriculus -> Glandular
part of the stomach that
stores and starts to digest
food before it enters the 

Fuck Birds.

**another side note: this was before I liked birds.


The human head weighs 
about 8 lbs.



***Side Note: this was boxed in. Too hard to do on the computer.


I will continue
more tomorrow.

Night world. And if you (MD) happen to read this...I hope it makes you smile, or something.

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