Friday, February 26, 2010

PROOF We Are Living In The End Of Times

The fact that music like this exists, and people support it, and they are even somewhat famous, is not only proof that there is no god, but that there is no hope for humanity. I haven't heard this band before today, and now I have the urge to shoot myself. There is no way these guys can possibly get laid. It's FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE. I gotta say though, it's really nice of these girls in the video to spend time with the mentally handicapped. If you like this band, or this kind of music, or their terrible fashion, kill yourself. Throw yourself off of a cliff, hang yourself, saw away at your wrists, whatever it takes. There is no rationalization for your existence, you are sub human as far as I'm concerned, and you are supporting vile and garbage that is polluting the world. Fucking kill yourself. My god, there are so many people I want to punch in the face....goddamn. Like are these two guys fucking serious? And do they serrrriously have the same fucking hair style? Wack.

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