Monday, March 15, 2010

Finding a Job;

Finding a job. Finding a job can be hard. But whats even harder is when your family and friends are trying to "help you". And by "help you" i mean "distract you" and "fuck you up". They'll try to tell you what your good at, what your bad at, in my case its usually just what your bad at...and then they'll just start...spattin out jobs they had in the past that has nothing to do with anything but, they still tell you anyways. So heres my advice to you, when you figure out what you wanna be when you grow up...or what job you want or what your dream career is dont listen to your friends or family dont listen to anyone around you cause the only person who can make the decision is you..its good to have dreams..keep dreaming. And in a less Disney Land way all you have to say is Fuck You.

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