I'd fly away
To a higher plane
To say words I resist
To float away
To sigh
To breathe...forget
Heaven's not enough
You think you've found it
And it loses you
And if i could live what truth i did then take me there
Heaven goodbye
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I Only Want To Make You Smile;
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Funny stuff thats been said:
Witness: "He told me, he says, 'I have to kill you because you can identify me.'"
Lawyer: "Did he kill you?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "And you check your radar unit frequently?"
Officer: "Yes, I do."
Lawyer: "And was your radar unit functioning correctly at the time you had the plaintiff on radar?"
Officer: "Yes, it was malfunctioning correctly."
Lawyer: "Were you alone or by yourself?
Lawyer: "You don't know what it was, and you didn't know what it looked like, but can you describe it?"
Lawyer: "You say that the stairs went down to the basement?"
Witness: "Yes."
Lawyer: "And these stairs, did they go up also?"
Lawyer: "When he went, had you gone and had she, if she wanted to and were able, for the time being excluding all the restraints on her not to go, gone also, would he have brought you, meaning you and she, with him to the station?"
Other Lawyer: "Objection. That question should be taken out and shot."
"I don't think we got any of that, but we got Skoal." -- A grocery store clerk, after being asked where the oregano would be.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
ohh boyy
It's gonna mess up your head
But here's the kicker son
Your old ticker's gonna beat you half to death
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Some Sexy Man Names To Ponder;
mmmm and the last name McKay
and he'd better be wearin wranglers!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Only In A Ghetto Establishment
HOLY SHIT you got to watch this
Go down to the end of Stmichaelisdead and you can stop the music playing to listen to the video. FYI.....Noobs.
How To Win A Gunfight; INTERVIEW lol
If there’s something I know well, it’s gun play. I often rob a bank during my lunch hour just so I can get into a gun battle with the authorities. Straight up Dillinger-style. Okay, so maybe my battlefield experience is limited to Nerf bullets and rubber bands, or hunting with my brothers, or just shooting the shit out of that damn armadillo digging a hole in my brothers yard with a .22 and HOPE I it =], but losing is still not an option. If you happen to find yourself trapped between Butch and Sundance, you need to have the know-how on how to win and walk away unscathed. Luckily, you have ME on your side to guide you through the process. Stmichaelisdead decided to ask a weapons expert (from the western barn, yo) for some hints on how to win a gunfight. That, and I also rewatched the kickass gun battle in the streets from Michael Mann’s Heat. Val Kilmer took one to the neck and kept going. Sweetness.
Stmichaelisdead’s Gun Expert: Ash of the Western Barn (lol)
Quick Bio -- Brings fugitives to justice, lifts weights, shoots things, blogging about reality and about her awesomeness (to be blogged very soon).
Choose Your Weapon Wisely: You probably won’t have access to a rocket launcher or bazooka, but choosing the next best thing will be key to your victory. Think something small, but powerful would be the best so you can do the ‘bob and weave’ if needed while firing off some rounds. Some rifles can be too cumbersome and awkward, so a handgun is the best route to take when choosing what you’ll be packing. And I’m not talking a .38 six shooter like the Westerns your grandpa or I grew up watching. I’m talking a heavy hitter with a clip that can be switched quickly. That’s what watching a lot of TV has taught me.
Advice: .44 Magnum.
Train: Ash says that “the best way to win a gunfight is training. You must train as often as you can depending on how good you want to be.” Think that since it is a gunfight and for reals, you probably want to be pretty good. Call it a gut feeling. Ash suggests training at least once a week and quotes the film Man on Fire: “You are either trained or untrained.” Okay then. Sign us up!! That means you need to be ready for bullets flying by your head while you are kicking ass or go ahead and paint a target on your face.
Advice: Watch more Denzel Washington movies.
Don’t Duel: Alexander Hamilton is a cautionary tale for all of us who want to challenge dudes to a gun duel. Duels are now illegal in a few states and are kind of dumb anyway. But they do sell cotton candy in the stands, for what it’s worth. Another reason not to duel is because it isn’t a real gunfight. It’s a crap shoot. And there are ‘gentleman’ rules that I don’t even know about involved in a duel. Borrrrrring.
Advice: Drive-by.
Don’t Be All Action Film-ish: Apparently the Die Hard films got it all wrong. Ash gun expert says that “running around and shooting off rounds” is a good way to get blown away. You may need to dodge and duck a little, but running like a maniac increases your chances of being hit -- which is probably not the start of a good day. In a real gunfight, stopping and aiming is the recipe for gunplay success -- that, and not running from place-to-place like a trapped fugitive. Stay in a safe location and be shielded. You know, so the bullets won’t hit you. That’s kind of important from what I have read in medical journals and seen on “M.A.S.H.” reruns.
Advice: Hide.
Pack Some Extra Junk: You know how in movies they keep firing and never run out of bullets? Yeah, not really the truth. Bullets run out quickly and guns need to be reloaded at some point. If you are in the line of work that requires carrying a gun, always have extra ammo. Loaded clips are best in a rush and muskets are discouraged because they’re ridiculous. Be prepared, is what I’m saying.
Advice: Wear cargo pants. Lots of pockets.
Don’t Shoot That Dude: The expert (aka, Ash) pointed out an important fact. Not everyone in your immediate universe is involved in said gun battle. I thought it was fun to shoot everyone in video games, but I was corrected. The expert’s warning of “you must always be aware of your surroundings” kind of makes you think twice when playing Play Station and shooting everything that moves. If the shit is going down in the street and you are under fire, make sure to scan the area before you fire back. Unless it’s your annoying neighbor walking by. Two birds, one stone, you know?
Advice: Give bullet proof vests to all your friends for Christmas.
Calm Yourself: As in, be zen like Phil Jackson Or someone else that is pretty calm under pressure. Ash says that a “gunfight won't be a relaxed deal. It most likely will be completely nuts [with] your nerves going a mile a minute.” Who would have thought that? It’s only bullets and shrapnel and stuff flying at you around 600 miles per hour. Staying calm during the battle requires focus and hours of training. We here at stmichaelisdead are assuming it also requires physical fitness so you don’t decide to take a nap in the middle of the gun duel. Just FYI.
Advice: Dance with Mary Jane. Daily.
Someone Has to Lose: Don’t blame me for saying there has to be a loser. Blame the gun expert. But be careful with your blame game -- she has a weapon and knows how to use it. Ash says that “to win [a gunfight], someone must lose theirs.” This means you kinda’, sorta’, haveta’ not have any mercy for the one you are battling. This is easy if you are on the right side of the law. Not so easy if your weapon is a Nerf gun and you are battling your 3-year-old nephew. Okay, maybe he deserves it.
Advice: Be heartless.
George Bush's Doodles During Obama Speach:

The 10 MOST Worthless College Majors;

What Job You’ll End Up With: After your parents boot your ass from your bedroom to make room for anything that’s not your bedroom, you’ll wander towards the nearest coffee shop and get a job there, which will allow you to meet artists who will thank you for allowing them to put fliers by the cash register that inform people of their upcoming show that touts “the combination of art and flute.”

What Job You’ll End Up With: Thanks to your extensive knowledge of philosophy, you’re now self-aware enough to know that most jobs out there will make you totally miserable. So most likely you’ll wait tables part time and hope someone starts paying you for the bi-monthly entries on your blog.

What Job You’ll End Up With: To take your American Studies degree one step further, you will be qualified to do 40-50 years of “graduate work” cleaning tables and taking orders at a Chilis, Applebees, TGIFridays or Red Lobster. Or possibly Denny’s.

What Job You’ll End Up With: After realizing that yoga studios and elderly homes don’t pay people just to come in and set mood music, you’re sadly going to end up putting your degree towards burning a fire to keep warm because you are homeless.

What Job You’ll End Up With: You’ll go to several job interviews that turn out to be pyramid schemes, even though at first you won’t realize this and come home and tell your parents, who you still live with, “They said I’ll probably be making six figures in less than a year just by selling these beer cozies.”

What Job You’ll End Up With: After moving to New York and trying out for Hello Dolly! or Damn Yankees or any of the other seven Broadway plays that want dancers and not landing a single one because you got your dance degree from Ball State, you will find ample opportunity to show off your choreographic skills at one of the city’s many strip clubs. You’ll just need to change your name to Crystal or Bambi and you’ll be able finally live out your dream as a dancer. (Mom and Dad will be so proud!)

What Job You’ll End Up With: You can read and comprehend, so that gives you an advantage over 99.5% of the people that peruse Craig’s list job listings. Therefore, you’ll most likely end up landing an entry level position at a random small company, or showing up to your interview and being raped repeatedly by a group of masked men.

What Job You’ll End Up With: Since you majored in something that doesn’t exist, you’re going to have two jobs. Your first one will be as the annoying pretentious guy who gives everyone the Latin etymology of every big word he hears at every dinner party he attends. Your second, and most lucrative job, will be as a Subway Sandwich Artist.

What Job You’ll End Up With: If you’re lucky, you’ll have an uncle who can get you a job as a production assistant on CSI Miami, where your time will be spent making coffee runs and finding whores that will let David Caruso pee on them.

What Job You’ll End Up With: This one is tricky. On one hand you’ll probably end up working behind the desk of a Christian Science Reading Room. But on the other, you may end up with everlasting peace and spiritual enlightenment. Let’s call it a draw.
Mmmm America, you love me <3
8 types of annoying people you'll find at Starbucks;

7. Intern Who is Buying for the Entire Office

Being a writer is a pretty cool occupation, but unfortunately you can’t tell someone’s a writer just by looking at them. And having to tell someone you’re a writer is way less impressive. Therefore, these people go to the busiest Starbucks and pop open their MacBook or whatever the fuck its called, making sure their screen is clearly displaying a full page of text (or clear screenplay format for those in Los Angeles). Their next step is to make sure they're facing away from where everyone goes to pick up their drinks while staring at the screen while remembering to take deep breaths which will indicate to others that deep and creative thought that normal minds are not capable of, is taking place. Who gives a shit if an asshole and his mac have spent six hours taking up a table normally reserved for four people, it’s important you know that they’re juggling a complex story about a boy in Alaska who comes of age and befriends a bear. That’s right, they’re creating that using only their minds!

3. The Guy Who Hates Starbucks But... Goes There Every Day

2. Study Groups

1. The Person Who Peruses the DVD Section As If They Might Purchase.

To sum it up in two words: CONSUMER WHORE
Cord McKay
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Top Bloodlines;
PLEASURE: or Western Pleasure

CUTTING: NCHA (National Cutting Horse Association)

2. Zippos Mr Good Bar-----------------Zippo Pine Bar x Tamara Wess x Blondy's Dude

1. *Smart Little Lena-------------------Doc O'Lena x Smart Peppy x Peppy San
2. Freckles Playboy------------------Jewel's Leo Bars x Gay Jay x Ray Jay
3. **Peppy San Badger-----------------Mr San Peppy x Sugar Badger x Grey Badger III
4. Doc's Hickory------------------------Doc Bar x Miss Chickasha x Chickasha Mike
5. High Brow Cat------------------------High Brow Hickory x Smart Little Kitty x Smart Litle Lena
6. Doc O' Lena---------------------------Doc Bar x Poco Lena x Poco Bueno
7. Dual Pep------------------------------Peppy San Badger x Miss Dual Doc x Doc's Remedy
8. Peptoboonsmal---------------------Peppy San Badger x Royal Blue Boon x Boon Bar
9. CD Olena------------------------------Doc O' Lena x CD Chica San Badger x Peppy San Badge
10. Doc's Oak---------------------------Doc Bar x Susie's Bay x Poco Tivio
*SMART LITTLE LENA: Those who were there literally watched history being made. Whether standing shoulder to shoulder, hanging on to the rail or sitting on the edge of their seats in the Will Rogers Coliseum, all eyes were riveted to the non-stop action.
It was finals night of the 1982 NCHA Futurity. During the first group of cattle, Stag A Lena ridden by Keith Barnett marked a 219. Boons Barrister brought down the house when he pawed the dirt in anticipation of his first cow and scored a 221. Brinks Leo Hickory was leading the prestigious field of 3-year-olds with a 222.
Bill Freeman, riding a little Doc O'Lena colt out of a Peppy San mare and dubbed by someone when a yearling as the ugly "Dockling," was last in the bunch. With low, smooth moves while working nose to nose with that black baldy cow, Freeman knew his cow-savvy stallion had just completed his best run of the show. The judges confirmed what the overflow crowd already knew... Smart Little Lena was the 1982 NCHA Futurity Champion scoring a 225.
Smart Little Lena went on to win the 1983 NCHA Super Stakes, was co-champion of the NCHA Derby and thus became the first Triple Crown Winner in cutting horse history. In an interview after the final win, Bill Freeman made what, with hindsight has become quite an understatement. He modestly responded, "Hopefully, Smart Little Lena will do something special for cutting and the NCHA."
Freeman's little pal has dominated the industry ever since, sired three NCHA Futurity Champions, and has become the all-time leading NCHA sire with offspring earning $24.7 million. In addition, his daughters have already produced another $8.1 million in winners.
**Peppy San Badger: In 1977, Peppy won the NCHA Futurity. He followed that with a win in the NCHA Derby in 1978. In 1980, Little Peppy was also inducted into the NCHA Hall of Fame. He topped off his victories by being named the 1980 Reserve World Champion and winning the Open Division of the 1981 NCHA Finals. Besides his accomplishments in cutting competition, Little Peppy was, until recently, the all time leading sire of NCHA competition cutting horses. His offspring have won in excess of $20,000,000.