Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Steven Hawking: Not As Smart As We Thought;

World-famous physicist Stephen Hawking is considered by many to be the smartest man alive. Not only did he spend 30 years as the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, a post once held by Isaac Newton, but he also has a really cool robot voice. However, it appears that Hawking probably isn't as sharp as we previously thought.

In his latest book, "The Grand Design," Hawking argues that God does not exist, and that there was no need for a higher power in the creation of the universe.

Spontaneous creation is the reason why there is something rather
than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. It is
not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper [fuse]
and set the universe going.

I have a problem with the reasoning behind his belief, and the amount of time it took him to reach this conclusion.

Hawking claims to have lost any faith in the idea of a higher power in 1992, after the existence of a solar system besides our own was confirmed for the first time.

(The other solar system) makes the coincidences of our planetary conditions -- the single Sun, the lucky combination of Earth-Sun distance and solar mass, far less remarkable, and far less compelling evidence that the Earth was carefully designed just to please us human beings.

So, let me get this straight. It took the existence of another solar system billions of miles from our own to cement in his mind that there's not a big dude in the sky watching over us. That seems a bit excessive. If he really wanted to go the "no God" route, I think he could have started a little closer to home. For example, what about the fact that he’s CONFINED TO A FUCKING WHEELCHAIR?

My faith in God is tested every time I see will.I.am on TV. I can only imagine what my thought process would be if, through no fault of my own, my mind was trapped in a useless shell for 50 years. Why would a higher power play such a cruel joke? That seems like a better starting point for his lack of faith than some bundle of rock and gas floating around off in the cosmos.

And what’s even more disturbing is the fact that he was 50 by the time he made up his mind. It took him 50 damn years to reach a conclusion most smug atheists come to after attending a freshman philosophy class. What was the friggen hold up, Stevie?

Again, if religion is your thing, don’t sweat it. There’s a lot going on in this dude’s life that could have easily swung him the other way. For one thing, he was suppose to have died in his early 20s, and now he’s pushing 70. That’s nothing short of miraculous (unless it isn’t). But what’s even more impressive is that this dude has been married...twice! Granted, the first wife was on board before he became Robocop. But the second one married him well after he was sick. In fact, Hawking stole her away from the guy who designed the computer that allows him to talk. Talk about balls of steel! Sure, they got divorced too, but I still have a hard time wrapping my head around that one without thinking a higher power was involved.

Then again, the smartest man in the world went through the hell that is marriage twice. What kind of God would allow that? More importantly, why would the smartest man in the world not learn after the first time. It just goes to show that Hawking probably isn't as sharp as we previously thought.

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