Saturday, November 2, 2013

Lisa Olsen's Awesome CONTEST!

So I first discovered Lisa not too long ago. One of her books popped up on Amazon. I wasn't tooo into vampires. I mean Twilight killed them! But I read a sample and I immediately bought the book. And then proceeded to stalk Lisa on FB like a good little minion. I have since then bought every single book in the Forged series and have reread them repeatedly. (I'm totally Bishops soul mate, totally) Here's the link to her contest on her blog:

Basically you do these little quick quests, and she picks someone to put in her book. Like one of US. Us as in you or me. AWESOME! 

I hope you win! 

You kidding I hope I win!

Here's the Forged series. Pictures of the books in order and the respective amazon links :) 
The links are directly under the book covers

Forged Bloodlines: BEST SERIES EVER

Synopsis from Amazon:
 "It was ironic that this happened to me; I was never a night person at heart. So you can see right off the bat why a vampire was the very last thing I would have chosen to be."

Anja Evans wakes up in the morgue with a hell of a hangover. It takes almost eating her best friend before she figures out... she's a vampire. When a dark and dangerous vampire shows up at her door asking to see her license and registration, Anja assumes Bishop is a regular cop. But breeding among vampires is strictly controlled, and her unlicensed status makes her an enemy of The Order. Struggling to find a balance between her former life and her undead one, Anja tries to blend school and living up to her new identity, all while searching to find the elusive Viking, whose blood gave Anja the strength of a vampire hundreds of years old.

Synopsis from Amazon:
"Do you ever wish you could take something back the instant you say it? One moment Bishop and I were kissing under the moonlight, and then I had to go and open my big fat mouth."

The bodycount rises in the next chapter of Anja's afterlife and not in a good way. Anja finds herself attracting a lot of attention from the police and the vampire community alike, and now she's got a stalker making her life difficult at every turn. At her side is darkly intense Bishop, but how long will their happiness last once her absent Sire reappears? To complicate things, it's getting increasingly difficult to keep up the façade of humanity among her family and friends, and her school keeps expecting her to go to classes... What's a vampire to do when ice cream therapy proves ineffective?

Torn between the man she loves and the primal lure she feels towards Jakob, Anja must fight for what she wants... just as soon as she figures out what that is.

Synopsis from Amazon:
"You know, we've never really talked about what it means that you've claimed me."

Newbie vamp Anja Evans is eager to find out what it means to be claimed by sexy, vampire cop, Bishop. Unfortunately, he's been transferred by the Order and she's left to fend for herself. Eager to make up for his betrayal, bodyguard Rob offers a surprise trip to England, but will Anja find her happy ever after taking her place in vampire society? Or will the cutthroat political climate reveal what drove Bishop out of Europe in the first place? To complicate matters, there's a vampire hunter on the loose wreaking havoc on the streets of London. Is Bishop being overprotective, as usual, or is Anja in real peril of losing her head? Mortal danger aside, the real threat to Bishop and Anja may just come from within.

Synopsis from Amazon:
"Little old me, Anja Evans - art college drop out, relative newbie in vampire society and newly single without Bishop by my side - the new Jarl of the Northwest? Great googly moogly... how did I get myself into these things?"

There are new responsibilities for Anja to live up to as well as her growing entourage of friends crowding her out of house and home. With the news that Bishop is out of the picture, Jakob is back, his patience growing thin as he waits for Anja to put aside her petty distractions and take her place by his side. But Anja doesn't want to spend her life as an ornament, she's resolved to bring a sense of humanity back to the vampire community. With her newfound abilities (and a few well placed allies), the Order doesn't stand a chance against Anja and her determination to provide Sanctuary to any vampire that needs it. But the dangers in Anja's life might come from within the walls she's built to keep herself safe.

Synopsis from Amazon:
"Me, Anja Evans, the new Elder of the West? Had I slid into an alternate dimension? What else was wonky here? Would someone bust in and announce a tornado full of sharks on the horizon in the next instant?"

Anja maintains her steady rise to power as she asserts herself as the newest vamp on the block in the world of political intrigue. Returning to England, this time as Elder of the West, to attend the first vampire Gathering held in over fifty years, she can't wait to see friends and foes alike. Not everyone's happy to see Anja again, but strangely enough, old enemy Simon Corley is the one who welcomes her with open arms. Will Anja find a new ally in the Warden of Vetis, or should she stop and count her fillings? Convinced she's over Bishop, will her resolve hold once she actually sees him, or will any hope of rekindling their love fizzle as soon as he opens his mouth? And what about Rob - can he truly keep those deep feelings bottled up inside, or will they spill out, especially when Anja's life is in danger?